This past weekend was much needed. I am completely aware of how much I miss my family. But the only way I had been getting by was with the exciting visits that I have been so grateful for. When my dad came in October, then Grandma in November, with a quick visit with Brit two weeks later. Then the most exciting, Dad and Brit in one weekend mixed with my favorite thing VOLLEYBALL! It was a short and sweet visit and I love spending time with my daddy. He is so easy to talk to and the best company. We spent most of our time eating or watching football in the hotel. Once Brit arrived I was most concerned with when and where can I see her. But I knew she was here for one reason and one reason only, the Big Sky Championship. Which is totally understandable.
When Brit wasn't playing and we were sick of sitting in the hotel, we set out to explore Spokane. Which is what my dad does best. It was so much fun driving around in search for Mt. Spokane and South Hill and a quick and not exciting visit to Cheney in daylight.
Me, I prefer country music while in the car, but my dad likes the oldies and when he is with his girls he is so selfless. He always gives up control of the tuner. And I could tell he didn't enjoy every country tune but he did for me and I thank him for that. Thanks DADDY! Because what I miss even more than my family is a car to drive in and sing out loud in. I think that's why I love driving, mom, not because I wanna drive NASCAR like I told you before. I figured it out, it is all about the music. Will he was nice and let me sing out loud to my hearts desire and told me I have a beautiful singing voice.
Dad and I were on an two meal plan this weekend. Which was not on purpose. It just happened each day without being planned. But we decided that it was sad to miss out on a Grandma Kitty Thanksgiving but the fact that we weren't so full on the edge of being ill, was nice for a change. Other than missing out on a G-Kitty meal, we had some good ones. Like the Red Lion breakfast and the Onion burgers, Yum! Then breakfast at Madeline's and dinner at Lugui's. And a late night celebration at Red Robin, a milk shake and spinach dip. It is going to be a tough three weeks after this amazing weekend of meals, I hate the COG.
Watching Brit's team was so exciting. It makes me want to play so bad. I can not wait till next season. Even though Brit didn't play, it was just a reminder to both of us that our time will come. And when it is our time no one will be able to stop us!! I am happy for Brit, it looks like she will be able to have her own name at UNC. No longer living in my shadow, sorry Brit. Our futures are looking bright and can't wait to share it with you.
Congrats UNC for the big wins and good luck against Washington. When we played them they were ranked 3rd and now they are only ranked 6th. So you have a chance! But anyway, way to be the first team from Northern Colorado to go to the BIG DANCE! I am so happy my sista is apart of a good team, who care about each other.
Now that the big exciting weekend has past. I am lonely now, not lonely because I don't have friends, I do. But there is the this thing with big families. I don't really know how to explain it, but you always feel surrounded by love and they understand you. And after the semester I have had. I need that priceless time with my family. These next three weeks hopefully will go by fast. I have been told they do. But then it is three weeks at home and I want that to go slow. I am not one to count down, but let the count down begin. 17 days mere
i am so glad i got to share this weekend with you and dad it made it even that more special!! thank you so much for sacrifcing your thanksgiving break to watch my team play volleyball ( cuz u know i didnt play lol) just to spend a couple hours with me:) i am so blessed to have you as my twin
i love you
Meredith, Isn't it great to love so much that the pain of separation is palpable? That is the love you have for your family and we all have for you! Just sink into it and let it wash over you like a warm tide. Some people never know such love, but you have been blessed with abundant love from many. I'm counting down too! Our Christmas Tree comes this week. I'll be getting ready for you!! xoxoxo
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