I would like to just write this down. I would like to thank my lovely room mate for making me realize how lucky I am to have the best parents someone could ask for. The values that have been instilled in me, will forever effect me and put me in a group of human beings who respect others no matter their background, clothes, height, hair color, etc. It has always been obvious that not everyone has the common courtesy that my family has. But it has become quite evident now that I am no longer living with an immediate family member. Although living with her has been tough and down right horrible, I am so grateful for this experience. I have decided to make it a positive on my side of the fence because I knew what I was getting into by rooming with a team mate and I did anyway. But now that I am almost three months into it, which is nothing, I still regret nothing. Even though I vent everyday about all the little things she does that drive me up the wall. She has help me realize who I want to become as a person. Not that I am anywhere close to knowing that life long question, I am only eighteen for god's sakes. I am just a baby in this thing we call life. But I could not be happier with who I am. Freshman year is going to be a learning experience for me and I am so excited for the ride. Thank you mom and dad, I love you and you have been so supportive. I appreciate you two so much and I am so glad we are as close as we are because I would not be who I am without you. So thank you Nikki for being a pain in my ass, I really appreciate it.
Mere- i am so proud of you!! you have overcome so much and its just the begining:) just imagine how good a person you will be after the whole year:) lol i love you so much
cant wait to see you in four days!!!
It is so much better when we make the bumps in our lives," stepping stones" instead of "stumbling blocks", or turn "lemons" into "lemonade." There is a story in my little club about an alcoholic who's parents leave him in a room full of s---t. He digs and digs and digs and digs and when someone asks what he's doing in there he says "I know there must be a pony in here somewhere!" Look for the gifts in every situation and you're find them. I'm proud of you too! xoxo
WoW!! How mature are YOU!??? SOoooo many people never figure out what you just did. You are an incredible person, and yes, your parents are amazing but so are you!
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