November 6 has been on my calendar since the beginning of the school year. Once I began to feel homesick, the first person I knew would be the first one to buy a ticket and come as soon as possible was my amazing grandmother. She picked me up on the Friday the 6th from my dorm, I gave a very quick tour because it was a very windy day here in Spokane. The vehicle that she arrived in was 2009 Purple Cadillac. Needless to say it was a sight to see so I took a picture!! Man I love her. Then she took me back to the Four Star Hotel she insisted on staying in. When we first planned this weekend my mom told me,"make sure that you tell Gramma to stay in the hotel we usually stay in, The Red Lion." But my Gramma would have none of that only the best for my Gramma! We settle in and yes I said settle in. Because of course I would be staying with my Gramma, any chance to get out of the dorms. I'm on it! Then once we were "settled in", we went and picked up my good friend Kate. And went to dinner at a local Italian restaurant. It was delicious, but they gave us so much food and I took advantage and ate my weight in bread and butter. The COG food has not been feeding my need for a full stomach. So this weekend was the time to quench my thirst for food, if you will. I had lasagna, it was so good! Then we went to the movies and saw Amelia, the movie about Amelia Earhart. It was a really good movie. Then we dropped off Kate and went off to our hotel to go to bed. The other thing I was extremely excited about was the going to bed early and waking up early. I have been trying to act like a normal college student, to bed late and sleep in till noon. I hate it, you waste the day. So we went straight to bed at 10, not as early as we would have preferred but it would do. Tomorrow would be our chance to go to sleep early. Saturday was our big day. Out of all of the grandkids, I am the only one who that hates to shop, I have on occasion thrown a tantrum. But I have not shopped in four months, I saved it up for my Gramma's visit because that is what she loves to do. I'm the most conservation grandchild, yes I love the gifts just as much as anyone else, I admit I am very spoiled and I am so grateful to be. But we hit up both of the TJ-Maxs in Spokane, the Nordstrom Rack, and the Nordstroms. We did a little bit of damage, but nothing compared to my sisters or my other cousins. Most importantly Brit. No worries we didn't just purchased things for me but we also thought of others on our amazing day of shopping. Since Saturday was our night in we had an early dinner and watched a movie in bed. It was amazing. The only thing wrong with the hotel was there was no room service and no coffee in the room, this from my Gramma. Anyway we concluded the weekend with breakfast and off gramma went. I just want to say how grateful am I to have such an amazing and loving family. Without them I would not be able to get though this tough time, transitioning to college. Mom, my montra is "I'm so grateful, I love my life". It was that or some really bad words and I felt I needed to be positive. This week has been most incredible, my amazing Uncle has received a job and I am so happy for them. My mom and dad have finally sold our house in Yorba Linda, and yes it will be hard to say good bye to the only home I have know and my amazing friends. We are not moving to Mars, as my mother likes to say, and we are going to visit often. Santa Barbara here we come, I don't think you are ready for the Crenshaw Traveling Circus, but I'm so thrilled. And can't wait to road trip to Alabama to visit my cousins! Thank you Gramma for instilling the values and morals that you hold dear to your heart in me, I am eternally grateful. I love you so much! Can't wait for your next visit, please bring my baby sister next time, I miss her terribly and can't wait to see how gorgeous she has grown at Christmas time. Lots of love and hope my twin comes to Washington next weekend!
Sounds like you had an amazing weekend. I am so glad you got to spend time with G Kitty. I hope it lightened your spirits. I can't wait to see what you got me...I know that is selfish of me to say but I can't help it. I hope to see you on Firday of this week and I will let you know as soon as I found out whether or not I am going. I love you. <3 Your Sista Brit
PS. Your blog is absolutely histarical and I hope you keep it up! I am proud to be your twin!!!
Dear Meredith Lynn,
Spending time with you this weekend was a priceless gift! I loved every moment and especially just being able to sit and talk and share our stories. You are something to behold!! I cannot believe how truly blessed I am to have you and yours and ours surrounding me with love and life. I look forward to many more of our four and five star adventures. Love you to pieces!!!!!
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