I was so excited to finally see UNC play in person. I have been watching the via webcam every time they play. I mean yeah I was going to see Brit, but I was really excited to see them play. Just kidding Brit. :) Well it was on Friday and that was the day of the first snow in Spokane. And earlier on in the day I went to the last Mens Soccer game and that is when it was really snowing. I wore my jacket without a hood and I brought no hat. And I always take showers after practice but we had a game on Thursday and didn't need to shower. And I went to the soccer game with my hair up and nothing to cover my head. That was the stupidest thing I could have done. At least if I had my hair down, it would have absorbed the snow. Instead it just sat on top of my head and I had a little snow fuzz hat. After experiencing my first snow I went in to practice with wet hair. I wanted practice to go fast because I wanted to be at the game obnoxiously early. So Kate, Terran, and Kate's friend Kurt and I drove out to Cheney, Washington. It is a twenty minute drive, but my navigator was busy talking to our passengers and listening to country music, so we missed the turn to Cheney which would have cut our drive in half. But it was meant to be, for us to take the scenic route, to bad at 5 five o'clock at night it is already pitch black. And the snow everywhere didn't help. But for those of you who are worried I drove fifteen miles an hour and we made it safely to Eastern Washington University. With about twenty minutes left in warm ups, the most important part of a match for those of us who are either red shirting or don't play. And I got to see my amazing twin sister hit a couple balls, it was so cute to see her smile when I first walked in. And that smile was there the entire warm up and every time she looked at me the smile was bigger! And I loved every minute of watching them play. It was so much fun, even though they lost. I was secretly happy they lost so fast because that meant that I got to spend time after the match in the hotel with her. Because I had a match on Saturday at noon, with pre-game breakfast at 8:30 am. So I didn't mind how long I would stay up, just as long as I got to spend time with her. And it worked out and my room mate came late to the game so she was so kind and took Terran and Kurt back to school, so me and Kate could spend time with Brit. We got Taco Bell and watched The Hangover. It was nice just to be in her company! And today I found out that the hotel my dad and I are staying at for Thanksgiving weekend to watch Brit, is the same hotel Brit's team is staying in! I am so stoked!!! This weekend was a good one and I needed it! And my team beat USF in five on Saturday, it was so exciting not just because we won but because it was my last home game as a red shirt! I will never have to warm up for a game just to warm up. I will be warming up because I will be playing!!!! After our game on Saturday I went to a Mens Basketball game and then, we were going to go out because it was Jessie's Birthday, another freshman on our team. So we went to pre-game it at a dorm and then we were going to go out and party. But I took a drink of a alcohol I have never had before and then all of a sudden I was breaking out in a little rash on my chin and on my cheeks. Once I took a look at myself in the mirror and realized how tired I was. I looked at Kate and said lets get out of here. We made our way to the doll house, the seniors on our team live there. We couldn't leave of course unless we took pictures and I insisted that it be in black and white because I was not digging the way my face was looking. We ended up at the doll house watching Up and then we were in bed by eleven. It was a good night. And now it is only nine days till I see my dad and eleven till I see Brit!! I am so excited, I have to be because if i think about the amazing meal my gramma is preparing at home and family I will be missing I get really sad. I am so bummed I will miss meeting my new little cousin Caleb. Hope all is well! Excited for Christmas Break! (we actually call it that here, instead of "Winter Break" because we are a religious private school). Hahaha
I love it!!! FYI, one of the red flags at the end of my drinking was the way my nose and my chin lit up like Roudolph! I now know that it happens to a lot of people but I didn't like the look. I'm so glad you and Brit got to hang out and you got to see her hit a few balls. Next year I'm sure you will both be playing!! I can't wait. Can't wait for Christmas too! xoxo
Love living the college life through you Mere. Your blog is fantastic!! I really wanted to see the rash though!
So yea yea yea you got some great time with Brit.. But what the HELL did you drink thta made you have a reaction like that????
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