Who has the storage keys?
Can one person just have them, please?
They are left in the gym, sometimes can't be found
Leaving our court empty and without a sound
Having possession of these keys can be a lot of work
But in the end, there are oh so many perks
Who has the storage keys?
Can one person just have them, please?
The keys hold the power of our accessibility
The one that possesses them has a lot of responsibility
If lost, these keys are really expensive to replace
Hopefully this won't happen so Abby doesn't have to punch someone in the face.
Who has the storage keys?
Can one person just have them, please?
There is hope for this to be a freshman duty
However, most freshies we have to kick in the booty
It takes a lot to pass this test
Dedication, commitment-there is no time to rest.
Who has the storage keys?
Can one person just have them, please?
Then came along a girl, they call her "Big Red"
She seems to have it going on inside her head
She's always early and willing to help
But if you hit a ball at her, she'll be sure to yelp
Who has the storage keys?
Can one person just have them, please?
The location of these keys can no longer be postponed
A home has officially been set in stone
When waiting to play volleyball, you should turn to one paw
The beholder of these keys is Meredith Lynn Crenshaw
Ally Powell
It was so sweet. I love Ally. I am glad someone noticed my hard work and now time to have a serious responsibility.
That is SO COOL!!! Someone noticed how amazing you are. Not the first person and most definitely not the last. Keep it up Big Red. I'm so proud of you, again. Of course.
wow mere thats soooo sweet!!! i am so proud of you!!
my team calls me big red sometimes too!!
and yes aunt shelley you beat me again!! haha
Love you!
Meredith Lynn! I am o proud of you!!! I am not surprised but I am so happy for you to have this great recognition as well as this great responsibility!! Way to go Big Red!! Love you!
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