Even though I do not have a unique laugh, laughing is the my favorite thing to do.
Both Brittany and I copy other people's form of laughter. We can't help it. But it is quite entertaining to watch my mom look at me and say, "Man, Mere who's laugh is that. That is awful." But I seriously can't help it.
Over break Brit and I decided that our true form of laughter makes no sound. So that is why we copy others because we are jealous of their uniqueness.
But we are unique because when we laugh we giggle softly and smiley so big. Our eyes squint, our cheeks grow tighter with every heave of laughter and know I have acquired a snort. But Mom I swear I am not coping anyone this time.
Here are some moments that made me laugh!
love it!! and it is all so true!!
Love you!! xoxxo
Yea keep the snort...it's super sexy.
snice i didnt comment before...i will now!
at first i didnt comment because all of the lovely pictures of me remind of such amazing times!! and to add to that i look just fantastic in them too!!
but i did think all of the pictures were histarical and i did appreciate them!!
Love you!!
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