Most college students leave school to go home to relax, but not me! I came home to the most frustrating part of the moving process. The mountains of boxes, the five runs-a-day to Home Depot because we need more boxes or packing tape, the moving of all my mothers potted plants. And for those of you who know my mother, you can only imagine the amount of plants that women has put in pots over the last fifteen years. That also includes all of our out door furniture. I have been giving my mom a hard time about all the things/stuff the make up the clutter of our home but I have come to realize that that clutter is the stuff that makes our house a home. Because without those things our home would be boring, plain, lifeless. I love our stuff! It is this stuff that gives my mom her creative juice to create. I love the way our Yorba Linda house was full of life and color. I am so excited to see what she does to our new HOME.
It has not hit me yet that I am leaving my home of fifteen years. But when it does I will be very sad to see it go, but it was an amazing place to grow up and would not change it for anything. It holds so many memories and I can't wait to start to make new memories. I love Yorba Linda and it will always be my home.
Here comes the Crenshaw's, watch out Santa Barbara.
Now that my Aunt Steph and her family have left I will miss them terribly. Even though I didn't get to experience them living so close again because I was away at school. But being home this winter it was like it used to be. And it was amazing. I am going to miss them terribly especially my cousin Ari, she is like the fourth sister. I wish I could steal her away but that would not be fair to her family. I am excited for them and I will be visiting often.
Today we made of first of many trips to SB this week. This trip was the pet trip. Our three cats, one bird, and two turtles. It was quite exciting! Well to begin I must first explain the loading of all our animals. In the suburban was myself (driver), my mother (holder of Brit's ceramic creation), Camille (our bird), Toby (our 16 yr old cat), Birdie (cat), and Holland (protector of the animal cages). In Brit's car was of course Brit (driver), Ari (riding shot gun), Jack Black (our third cat), and our two desert tortoises.
To begin our journey we start out down Imperial Hwy, a block down from our house, when Holland squealed, "a cat pooped!"
Mom, "What??!! Which one?!!?" Holland, "I don't know!" Mom, "Well maybe it is just a fart." Holland, " No it is not a fart smell!'
We finally made our way to the gas station were my mother took charge and cleaned up the mess. I would explain this part but instead I video taped it.
Happy New Year!!!
We also celebrated Holland's sweet sixteen and her departure from Yorba Linda with a big party! It was alot of fun. I danced the night away and Holland enjoyed her last get together with her friends. It is weird to think that Holland is 16, in my mind I think that she is eight. She is no longer my little sister but my YOUNGER sister because she it almost a full inch taller than me.
Sweet. Bitter sweet. The daughter leaving and the daughter coming. Home is where the heart is and our hearts are together as a big, sloppy,wonderful, gypsy family! We love Yorba Linda because that is where you blossomed. Now Santa Barbara will reap the bouquet. I can't wait to have you all at home down the road! Thank you for the wonderful memories YL! xoxo
Oh my Effing God!! Just watching Stacy gag is the best ever!!
Love the pictures and especially the video!!
Thanks for making me cry and then laugh my arse off. Holland should/could be a supermodel. Love you beautiful Mere and Stunningly gorgeous Brit!
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