Over winter break I packed up my entire life, then heard that it was transported to a new home. Yeah I said good bye to my old home, but sitting here in my dorm room I like to envision my life back home going on without me. But it is somewhat difficult to do when you have no idea what is looks like. Sure I was able to see the new house, but my parents have been living there for about a month now. They are settled in, and embarking on a new branch of their life and I have missed the departure from the old. But I too left and I am now sailing away on my journey too, then again I still want to feel apart of theirs.
When I talk about how I get to go home to see the new house for Spring Break and I have my own bedroom! They look at me and say, "your parents gave a room even though you won't be living there?" And I am like yeah, you don't have a room in your parent's house? And they say it is a quest room, dumping ground, or equipment room. It makes me so sad. I don't want to be the girl who lives with her parents after college but I don't want to leave the cocoon of our home. Or I am not ready, but who is to say I will feel the same way in four years. That is a long way from now, on the other hand time flies (when you are having fun! ).
On top of the new house we have recently adopted a new member of the family. My mom's new baby Olive. I have not met her yet, but already love her. I am so glad that my mom has a new friend, we all took losing Remmy hard so this is a nice addition to our new branch!
A week isn't long but hopefully it is enough for me to get a feel for what Santa Barbara is like for my family. I have been told that I will be helping get my room set up as well as Brit's which I am happy to do. All my friends are so annoyed with me because all I can talk about is Olive, my new room, my new house, the car I will get next year, and what ever else that makes me happy but what can you do I am the girl who moved away to new state, left her twin, left her home of 16 years, and haven't played serious volleyball since JOs last summer (that is my drug of choice in this life, so I have been having serious withdrawals). So I have alot to gain and ready to obtain it and enjoy it.
11 days and counting....life is a sweet as apple juice my favorite!
new favorite cd!!! Artist: Allen Stone Album: Last to Speak
everyone will like it I promise, the trainer in charge of our workouts swears by him and always has it blasting in the weight room! And it is not the kind of music you would think a large man would workout to. love it!
Meredith Lynn, Love the blog!! Love you!!! I can't imagine what it must be like to have had your whole life move while you're away. All I can say is that it will feel like home immediately! As for having your own room even after you are grown and gone, absolutely! I have always wished for every member of my family to have a place in my home. I want you all to come home, be it for one night or for a long pit-stop. You may not live there forever but it will always be your home, just as my home is your home. 11 days and counting! xoxo
I agree. Your parents have supplied you with a home big enough for all of you to return to alone, or with extras in tow. We are a tight knit bunch, unusually fond of one another. Welcome home my beautiful red girls! Your true home forever (I hope).
Oh... speaking of music....Kieran wants to have a dance party for her 10th birthday. Can you make me some CDs for her? You saw her dancing at Holland's b-day.... you know what she likes....
LOVE IT!! and i love you!!
i feel the same way...weird lol
I counting the days til my spring break too!! i am so excited!!
and i am going to check out that cd!!
thanks for always sharing it always brightens my day! <3
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