Brittany is my rock, my other half. She is the left side of the brain (which ever side is more creative). My sounding board. The mirror "normal" people wish they had, you are all green with envy. The girlie half. The one who doesn't become weird and obnoxious until right when you get into bed at night. My built in spell check for my blog. The artist. My best friend. She knows all my secrets. And I love her for all those roles and I appreciate you Brit. Thank you.

Holland the instigator. The beauty and the bully. The quite, popular one. My side kick (when she is not Brit's). The fighter. The true lover. The animal whisperer. She is the one who know which buttons to push, the one that makes me cry, the one that makes me laugh till I pee, the one that makes me angry beyond belief, the one that gives the best cuddles (even if they are more like death locks). Thanks for being you little sis. You help me be me and I love you for that. I am so proud of you. I could never do what you are doing.

Morgan the sweet sensitive guy. The thinker. The imagination. The girls guy. My baby brother with the huge forehead. The cuddle bug. Mamma's boy. Dad's little man, the son he was ecstatic to receive. The one who can play sick and get away with it. The man everyone women will want to marry. The anger management case, when I push him over the edge. The wanna be singer. Wants to play an instrument, but in till he does is totally content pretending he can. The listener. Thanks MAC for filling my life with laughter and joy. I love you, can't wait to see you grow to be ten feet tall.

I am so lucky to have these amazing human beings be apart of my journey through this thing we call life. They are my helpful and handy tour guides and maybe I am theirs as well. Thanks guys for being who you are. Because of you home is truly where the heart is and I have the best family a girl can ask for. Thanks Mom and Dad for giving me the coolest kids to be my siblings. Who else, of anyone that you know, can have a good time like we have a good time. Kids our age usually don't get along as well as we do and I am so grateful to brag about how much I love my sibs! You guys rock! Love you to the moon and back, and then around a million more times.
Lots of love to go around, Mere
Aidan and I are wondering why you four are so evolved that you can love each other and appreciate each other as much as you do. It's just not normal. I don't know and siblings or sisters who love each other as much as you guys do. Especially not a blonde, brunette and redhead sister. Nope. I adore you Mere! You give your family such a gift by showing them all of these truths!!
Love, Aunt Shell
What can I say? Some someones did something right! Good job Stacy and Tony and good job Meredith Lynn for speaking it! I'm so grateful to know you! xoxo
MERE!!! I love you so much and I can't imagine this life without our special group!!!
i am so grateful for everything we have and how we are so close!! i wouldn't change it for anything!!
Love you, Britt
PS. your writing is getting better and better!! i am so proud ( i am sensing a journalism major in your future) and check the spelling and wording in this post :)
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