I never would have imagined us separating for college. But it happened and now I can't even picture us together. It has been bitter sweet. Not being able to relay my entire day to you because you weren't there. I have no idea where you sleep, eat, go to class, and play. Not knowing your friends and you not knowing mine.
Being away from you has been the most difficult thing I have ever done. The first semester was stressful and sad. Because we had two polar opposite situations. You loved your roommate, traveled with your team, and bonded with your team. While I redshirted, didn't know my teammates very well, and I was not happy with the rooming situation. But looking back I am so proud of us for getting through the hard times because look how strong we are now. I am so grateful for this past year and all the opportunities it has brought us and all the love that surrounds us. We are so lucky to not only have each other but a large family who are there to support us. I love you like I love M&Ms, bike rides, beach days, and photos.
May our life, correction, our lives continue to teach us lessons, give us laughs, make us cry, and bring us together.
No one understands our bond, our connection, our sisterhood. It is special and I cherish it, I am truly blessed and I thank God everyday for giving me my best friend who looks just like me and accepts me for me, and loves me for me.
Love you Brit.
Thank you Mere for this blog.
As you know I really needed this, this weekend and to get me through the next couple of weeks. I feel the same way about the life we have had and now the two separte lives we lead now. We are so blessed and I appreciate you and all that we have had together, especially the opportunity to experience all that we have because of our twinship. I love you more than you will ever understand.
Thank you for being you and the bestest friend/sister anyone could have been given. And I can thank God for that one:)
love you, your twin,
Brittany Anne
Dear Meredith Lynn and Brittany Anne, We knew from the beginning that you would be a special pair, but we had no idea just HOW special and filled with light and love you would be. I am proud of each of you for not only surviving your first year as separate individuals, but for growing beyond your respective comfort zones and shining for the whole world to see. I trust that your summers will be sun filled and fun filled and I will get to share some of it with you here in our new home town. I know that next year you will surprise us all even more. xoxoxo G. Kitty who loves you both to smithereens!
p.s. Very nice blog post Mere!!!
This brought me to tears mere! That is so beautiful and sweet...I can't wait to meet your twin!
(this is Kelsey, I don't have a profile. Haha.)
Wow girls, Your maturity in your deep expressions of love for each other tells me you are on the fast track to some soul fun. No relationship stuff to work out, only pure creative play with you favorite family members, friends and lots of mysterious relationship surprises, like presents to be opened in the not too distant future. I am so happy/lucky to be part of your love. Can't wait to PLAY! FILMS anyone????
YES!! Aunt Shell im so in on the films!!!
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