Thursday, April 29, 2010

dead week = library

So I have heard that during dead week you are to go to the library to do studious things like study, write papers, and well be studious. HA! That is what I say to that. Yesterday I went to the library because I only had one class. Thinking that this would be the most responsible way to use my time. Well I was "dead" wrong. I ended up sitting on my computer listening to music, fiddling with my photos, taking photos of my self and facebook stalking. Never again will I go to the library unless I go without my computer.

As you can see I had difficulty. I think I might have caught ADHD from my beloved Aunt Steph, what do you think? That or I just have too much fun with my computer. Who knows. All I know is that I cannot focus on anything but being home in less then 9 days! I can't wait, or maybe I can because I can't leave until next Saturday, maybe I can just start walking home or my mommy can come and pick me up and then we can swoop by and pick-up Brit-Dawg!
Doubt it. But today I have the same dilemma, one class and stuff to do. I plan to sit here and do my facebook stalking while listening to some classic oldies but goodies! And then once it's out of my system.
BUt now I sing for you, " It takes two baby, it takes two baby, just me and you!"
Love, the Super Focused Weirdy

P.S. Doesn't my hair look amazing? Just thought I would point that out.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

final art projects

Now that I am done with those I can start working on the yucky homework! Poop, now I have serious stuff to do!! TWO WEEKS!! love to all

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dear Brittany Anne,

I never would have imagined us separating for college. But it happened and now I can't even picture us together. It has been bitter sweet. Not being able to relay my entire day to you because you weren't there. I have no idea where you sleep, eat, go to class, and play. Not knowing your friends and you not knowing mine.
Being away from you has been the most difficult thing I have ever done. The first semester was stressful and sad. Because we had two polar opposite situations. You loved your roommate, traveled with your team, and bonded with your team. While I redshirted, didn't know my teammates very well, and I was not happy with the rooming situation. But looking back I am so proud of us for getting through the hard times because look how strong we are now. I am so grateful for this past year and all the opportunities it has brought us and all the love that surrounds us. We are so lucky to not only have each other but a large family who are there to support us. I love you like I love M&Ms, bike rides, beach days, and photos.
May our life, correction, our lives continue to teach us lessons, give us laughs, make us cry, and bring us together.
No one understands our bond, our connection, our sisterhood. It is special and I cherish it, I am truly blessed and I thank God everyday for giving me my best friend who looks just like me and accepts me for me, and loves me for me.
Love you Brit.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dear Shelley,

Today was the first time in ten months that I had played in a competitive volleyball match. For those of you who know me, know that volleyball is my life. It's what got me to college, it's what makes me happy, it's what makes me want to be better at everything, it's what makes me want to be a good role model, and most importantly it's my outlet. But anyway it felt amazing, sure I have been playing in practice but it is not the same. The team on the other side has to be your opponent (or as I like to think enemy!) and in practice you can't get super serious when playing because I don't want to ripe off the heads of my teammates even though I have done it almost twice to Ally. What can I say I am my mother's daughter.
The official count down to my freshman year has commenced. Let me tell you that it has honestly been the most difficult time of my life. Even though when I was fourteen and my parents left me to go to Hawaii for their anniversary during HELL MONTH, I thought my life was over as I knew it. But those are the times when you are truly defined and I don't mean to toot my own horn but "TOOT!". I am so proud of myself and so grateful for my supportive family. And especially m y incredible parents for sitting with my on the phone for hours every weekend sobbing. I love you all.
Love Mere
P.S. I miss you aunt shell!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dear Ari,

Well, I shouldn't sound surprised because you are your mothers daughter. But again with the pushing. I am sorry that I haven't written a new blog senorita poopy pants. I have been really busy meeting my new baby cousin, Kaleb. He is officially my new best friend. I feel so fortunate to be related to him, he has such a huge personality and he is so full of life. I can't wait to see him grow. And after having such an amazing Easter with Heather and Terry, I have decided to go back every year for Easter and some long weekends too. I will need a Kaleb fix.
Even after a relaxing four days with my family, I was packed and unwilling to go back to school. I made it all the way to the gate when my flight was cancelled, not mentioning that the flight was at 8:30 am Monday morning. Meaning I got up at 5:30 am, the butt-crack-o-dawn! Anyway I re-scheduled my flight for the next day same time. I had no school Monday so it wasn't like I was missing anything. So I spent the day with my good friend Brittney, I was so grateful that her family let me stay the night.
The next morning I got a text at 5:00 am saying that my flight was cancelled again! So I had several conversations with my parents will half asleep and finally found a flight at 1 that went all the way to San Fran before heading up to Spokane. The longest two days of my life and so stressful. Now I only have four weeks left until I am done with my freshman year and let me tell you it has been a long one. It was rocky and very hard at times but I made. Next year is going to be amazing, I will be playing and I will live with my friends, I will have a car! It will just be an all around better year I can just feel it.
I just received some very exciting news! I will be visiting my little baby ARI!! and of course Steph, Ted, Alex, and Indy! May 11-18 and I can't wait! What a way to start the summer!

Are you happy now Ari! Love you,