I never would have imagined us separating for college. But it happened and now I can't even picture us together. It has been bitter sweet. Not being able to relay my entire day to you because you weren't there. I have no idea where you sleep, eat, go to class, and play. Not knowing your friends and you not knowing mine.
Being away from you has been the most difficult thing I have ever done. The first semester was stressful and sad. Because we had two polar opposite situations. You loved your roommate, traveled with your team, and bonded with your team. While I redshirted, didn't know my teammates very well, and I was not happy with the rooming situation. But looking back I am so proud of us for getting through the hard times because look how strong we are now. I am so grateful for this past year and all the opportunities it has brought us and all the love that surrounds us. We are so lucky to not only have each other but a large family who are there to support us. I love you like I love M&Ms, bike rides, beach days, and photos.
May our life, correction, our lives continue to teach us lessons, give us laughs, make us cry, and bring us together.
No one understands our bond, our connection, our sisterhood. It is special and I cherish it, I am truly blessed and I thank God everyday for giving me my best friend who looks just like me and accepts me for me, and loves me for me.
Love you Brit.