Sunday, September 19, 2010

when things get easy, they get challenging again

As if last year wasn't hard enough for me God yet again thinks I need a challenge.  I am, of course, always up for it. My team is the bottom of the giant ditch and there is only one way out.  Fours year of an uphill run, here I come. I know we can do it, together.

Please send any and all good vibes, thoughts, messages, and voicemails my way I need so encouragement. Sorry I haven't updated my "venting space" in a while I have been quite busy with this fabulous thing we call life.

Side note, I miss my little sister and brother.  I hate missing out on Holland's high school volleyball career and her becoming a beautiful young woman.  Oh and my precious bradha! The little baby is now in 4th grade....I think?  In my mind he is still 3 years old.  I hate not seeing him grow up everyday, each morning see how much he grew over night.  Makes me cry! Especially when I had to explain to him that I probably won't live in the same house as him when I am done with school.

Miss you Holland Sterling and Morgan Anthony.


Brittany Anne said...

Mere, I know you can do this you were sent to Gonzaga to make a difference. This is what you were supposed to do and I know that you and your team can over come this a be successful! stay strong!!! im only a text or phone call away for any pep talks:)
Love you!!

Fav Aunt Steph said...

CLAW your way out of that Effing ditch damnit!!!
I know you girls can do it. I just know it.

Fav. Aunt Steph

Shelley said...

What do you mean "you're not going to live in the same house!?" it had better damn be in the same town!!!!

Anonymous said...

You Go girl....I can't imagine anyone better for the job!!!!! Get..her done!!!Love u