Friday, October 28, 2011

it's days like this...

that make me remember why i am so blessed.
my family is the most gracious of hosts, 
givers of love, 
acceptors of the lost and lonely,
lovers of laughter,
silent admirers of the happiest home.
why do i get to call this family mine?
i don't know why and don't want to question it because
it's mine. who could be so lucky?
dear God, 
thanks for the best life.  i couldn't be happier.  
it's awesome. the end. 
thanks mere

and i get to call this place HOME.
thats all i can say


Brittany Anne said...

So TRUE!!! I love this!! I am impressed every time I read your posts!!! Love you sista!

Shelley said...

I too feel the same way! It's like we all got invites to be in the best club, the most amazing party, the sweetest sorority, the most precious lifetime!!