Friday, October 28, 2011

it's days like this...

that make me remember why i am so blessed.
my family is the most gracious of hosts, 
givers of love, 
acceptors of the lost and lonely,
lovers of laughter,
silent admirers of the happiest home.
why do i get to call this family mine?
i don't know why and don't want to question it because
it's mine. who could be so lucky?
dear God, 
thanks for the best life.  i couldn't be happier.  
it's awesome. the end. 
thanks mere

and i get to call this place HOME.
thats all i can say

Sunday, October 23, 2011

beautiful fall day

be yourself. don't die a copy. 
love the person who saw you when you were invisible.
it is okay to cry. 
live the life you have imagined. 
be honest with yourself
value who you are right now. 
don't focus on negative thoughts
don't delay your fears.
believe in something higher than yourself
hug yourself a bunch
don't compare yourself to others.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

lovely weekend...

this man is so incredibly talented its outrageous! 
allen stone
please buy his cd i highly recommend it :)
loved him but after hearing him live i am maddly in love...

 after great music came an amazing adventure.

a couple of my team mates and i went out to green bulf
a group of farms that sell different produce depending upon the season

i could live out here, so gorgeous

so that means....


happy mere....

a real life pumpkin patch! like the movies and charlie brown :)

love my big fancy camera! may never go anywhere again without it! 

 love these punks

this photo reminds me of jungle book...
 great weekend in a sea of crazy volleyball/school life

Sunday, October 9, 2011

thanks for giving me the world

I want to thank everyone who came to my match in San Diego yesterday, 
it made my week!  I had no idea how much 
I needed it but I did. 
It was a Crenshaw Clan family reunion and not only did it make me 
extremely happy but my parents as well.  I love every single
one of my family members they are who made me
who I am today.  Thank you.
And all my dear friends who drove out, I miss you all terribly! 
It makes me so excited for Decemeber when
 I can spend more time with you guys! 
Thank you for the support you guys are a huge part of why 
I get up each day and do what I do! 
I could not do it without knowing you all are there to support my dreams. 
love you, mere

my mom gave me some baby pictures of me and brit, 
reminding me of all the scanned photos I own so 
i wanted to share this one! haha