Saturday, November 27, 2010

thanksgiving....alot of things to be thankful for!

Even though I am not at home I have had an amazing Thanksgiving!  I love my home away from home, Heather and Terry are so good to me.  I am so grateful to have been able to be here with them for the holiday.  And Kaleb is the sweetest and I am so grateful to have this time with him.  He is so smart and each time I see him he is bigger and has learned something new.  I love him!  And Brit was lucky enough to have some time with him and it was precious!  She cried the moment she saw him, it was exactly like my first time meeting him except lucky for her he is walking now!  Here are some pictures of their meeting at the local Red Lion Hotel.  He was a little confused at first why there was to Meres but later in the day at Brit's game he totally knew who she was. He was so pumped at the match and was cheering.  He is so cute!

I have many things to be thankful for; my health, my education, my incredible family, my friends.  I am so lucky!  I cannot wait for Christmas time to be back home and surrounded by family again.  Only three more weeks, hopefully it will go by fast.
Hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving!  Love to all!

Friday, November 19, 2010

life is tiring...

hey sorry I have been lame.  i have been busy getting my emotional state back to normal.  and good news! it is pretty darn close.  but as this begins to become normal my physical state is lacking.  after a long volleyball season, that has been more of an emotional roller coaster then a anything else, comes to end all i can think about is my bed and how i long to sleep for a few weeks or maybe a month.  but more than anything i long to be with my family.  it has been way to long!  at this time last year i had already spent time with my father and grandmother but this year has been quite lonely in the family department.  except the volleyball matches!! christmas count down will begin shortly as soon as i return for Portland to see my closest family within driving distance.

one other random factoid that has been bothering me.  i have been the envy of many growing up a redhead.  always being told how amazing the color is and how so many people spend hundreds of dollars on attempting to recreate this color.  okay so i get that i have great hair, who doesn't? ha but if you take that unique characteristic and add 6 feet of height and times that by two you have a feared combo.  i mean in the boy department.  don't get me wrong i love my looks and i know i am beautiful (not in a conceded way but in a i love myself first before other love me kind of way).  but could some one tell the college boys of GONZAGA that it is beautiful because i hate all blondes and brunettes at this point.  well anyway i do not need anyone at this point i just want some to think i am pretty.  and no family i do not need to hear it from you more often! so if that is all you are going to comment, then don't. haha

love to all!