After the first day of the week I already hate the week. During practice Monday I got hit directly in the eye and was sent to the eye doctor to get checked out. Because I am so darn cool this is the second time that this has occurred. You would think that in this awesome sport getting hit with the ball in the eye would happen alot, but nope its pretty rare. And me of all people has had the pleasure of doing it twice. Anyway because of the velocity the ball was traveling at when it hit me in my left eye, same eye both twice by the way, the gut and juices of my eye ball got all shaken up. To put it in little kids terms. But I sat out practice and hopefully will get cleared tomorrow but as I sit here praying to the eye gods on this lovely Tuesday night. I have the image of me playing against USF on Thursday and I am wearing the most badass athletic protective eye wear you have ever seen. Not that doesn't sound like the coolest thing ever but...
As a girl who has struggled with confidence and feeling comfortable in her own body, and being able to say, "I am beautiful" and believe it. This did not happen over night. It took me up until last year to truly appreciate all of my attributes. As a tall, curly redheaded, twin, with quite dominate calves I didn't quite blend in with all the petite, straight, blonde or brunette...anyway you get the picture growing up sucks! The point I want to make is that volleyball is my happy/safe place, where I feel comfortable. Not only in my mental state but physical. I feel most at home in body, as silly as this sounds, in my spandex and loose fitted shirt, with my knee pads and sweaty slicked back hair. I feel strong, beautiful, tall and lean, unstoppable, confident, you name it I can be it when I am dressed in my volleyball attire. And it has been this way since I was twelve and now Leanne is telling me to take this GODDESS appearance and put goggles on it!?!?! Oh hell no!
Dilated eye:
But what can a girl do.....serious eye issues or badass dominance on the volleyball court? We shall see...will be keeping you updated!
But on to the exciting dear friends KELSEY BASHAW has asked me to be one of her bridesmaids! I am so touched that she has asked and honored! Wow and she did it in the most adorable way ever! She was so sneaky and went into my room and conspired with Kate my roommate and took my life-sized cardboard cut out of Jacob from Twilight and put a bridesmaids dress on it with a picture of her and I on his face. And a little sign that said, "WILL YOU BE MY BRIDESMAID?!" I screamed bloody murdered and then cried when I walked into the room and Jacob standing there. It was the sweetest thing and I will never forget it! Thanks for asking me Kels it means the world to me :) Love you!