This summer I did a lot of thinking and never really had solution to all of the problems and situations inside my head. And don't even ask me what those were. This year is a huge step up from the last. I have a whole year of discovery ahead of me and have decided right now that that is the word to describe this year.
Discovery of myself; who I am as a person and be confident with who that person is, school; what am I majoring in, career; who am I going be when I grow up, volleyball; how bad do I want it? I want it bad! and finally to discover the friendly side and meet more people. Work on the whole Mere DEATH STARE!
Well there is my list of things to do and sorry its been awhile. I have been dealing with some internal conflict that I am working on resolving.
Life is school with little or no recesses!- Stacy Lynn
love to all.