Well this doesn't even include all the days prior to this that I was homesick and cried all day but I continue anyway. Mondays suck anyway but this Monday was truly horrible. I was already feeling pretty crapy because I had skyped with my twin on Sunday and not only is she loving college and has an awesome room mate. BUt she has already found a boy!!! Actually I would consider him a man, picture this my identical twin, We are tall, fair skin, red headed, and pretty good looking if I do day myself. But I was mostly emphasizing the fact that we a pasty white and have red hair. And this man she is with is a deep dark chocolate man who is 6'2 and buff. My sister would go off and find someone before me and he would be black. I'm so jealous and this after a guy I been talking to suddenly stopped talking to be but that is besides the point. I was feeling like crap and she was making out ( sorry gramma and mom, don't tell her I said that) and tickling him, right in front of me. While just hours late I had skyped her while she was by herself and I sobbed to her about how lonely I was and how much I miss her and how much I dislike my room mate and how much I'm dying inside to play in a college volleyball match. But no she obviously could not see my red puffy eyelids behind my huge glasses. She continued on like this for an hour and then said to me, "mere I will talk to late". She just hung up on me! So much for being born with this other human being who God that I couldn't live without because she was busy with "her man". That little conversation was at the end of the never ending black hole that Monday was for me. Earlier in the day I was feeling sorry for myself and called my mother like I always to from the comfort of the local study room in my dorm building, because of course I'm not comfortable to be own with my emotions in front of my room mate. And every time I'm crying in the study room, I have been lucky and no one has been studying. But just because it was my fate that today would not be my day. Someone was studying and of course it is the day I am heaving and sobbing like a creature from the Chronicles of Narinia (the creepy, ugly ones) and this girl looked at me like I was crazy, which is a look I get often. To I resided to my next best cry spot the really secluded hallway!
Tuesday was going to be better I was sure of it!! But of course it was the day my contacts decided to pick up a little bit of dust and scratch my eye ball. Please note that this has happened to me alot lately because of the traveling back and forth to the very clean community bathrooms to put in and take out my contacts. But of course this was the worst it has ever been. First of all it was tearing up like I was crying to my mom and second it looked like Holland punched me in the eye. So I was crying and swollen and had to wear my very large old lady glasses (sorry gramma) to class. And I basically closed my eyes during the entire class period and the teacher at the end came up to me and said, "Good Morning!" trying to insult me because he thought I was sleeping in his class. But once he got one good look at my eye he apologized and hoped it got better. Then I of course ran into the guy I have been crushing on, he is really cute and on the baseball team. I see him all the time and he always says hi and holds the door open for me and today he looked right at me in my teary, swollen, no make up, and sweat pants self. And about wanted to fall in a hole! ANd the one thing I look forward to in a day in volleyball but of course my team was traveling and I instead got to workout with my lovely room mate in my glasses. Then on the way to dinner, in my new gray vball sweats walked into a pile of leaves. Nope they weren't just leaves but mud. My day was complete I got to go to dinner i looking like I shit myself!!! Lucky me. I love college!! Hope you had a good laugh! Miss my family like crazy that was for you guys!!